Learn to create more lifelike portraits with these visual tutorial ebooks that demonstrate how artist Cuong Nguyen develops his own work. The four volume series Creating Realistic Skin Tones details Cuong's distinctive and easy-to-follow green foundation technique on models of varying ethnicities, while the Drawing the Human Face book will teach you how to capture accurate human proportions.

Creating Realistic Skin Tones with CarboOthello Pastel Pencils - Volume 4

The final volume of this series depicts demonstrations of the technique on 6 different models showing a greater variety of skin tones and ethnicities. Like the other volumes, it tells you exactly what colors are layered at each stage.

With 7 new demos, Cuong Nguyen will guide you step by step to describe different skin colors. This is a very easy to understand book and you can follow it easily.



The Glowing Portraits

It took me almost two years to write this book. My goal is to provide a simple yet effective method to create the subtle and realistic color and shading necessary for a successful portrait. This book provides a variety of straightforward exercises that can teach you the basics of creating a realistic skin tone, understanding how light interacts with the skin, and then learning how to extend these fundamentals to create a range of different skin tones typical of different ethnicities.

This 80-plus page fully illustrated ebook is available in 6 languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese and Vietnamese. Click on the link below to purchase the ebook:


The Art of Portrait Drawing

With this 80-plus page fully illustrated ebook, you’ll learn about measurement and proportions, and how to take an artwork from the initial block-in stage through to the shading of values and details. This ebook features demonstrations with different mediums. With a full-color photograph for each stage in the drawing, the demonstrations clearly show you Nguyen creates his drawings from start to finish. These demonstrations use CarbOthello pastel pencils, charcoal and chalk pencils.  A full materials list is included.


The Art of Cast Drawing

With this 60-page fully illustrated ebook, you'll learn how to understand different measurement methods to improve your drawing skill. Cuong Nguyen will help you to create cast drawings from start to finish. This ebook features five separate demonstrations using a variety of casts each showcasing a different medium. With a full-color photograph for each stage in the drawing, the demonstrations clearly show which colors have been added to achieve the effect. These demonstrations use CarbOthello pastel pencils, charcoal and chalk pencils.  A full materials list is included.

Portrait in Oil with Cuong Nguyen

If you want to master an effective palette for rendering realistic skin tones in oil, then this is the book for you.  It features three separate demonstrations using models with varying complexions. Each demonstration shows a full-color photograph for each stage—from drawing, to underpainting, to finishing the painting—with details about how to mix your colors to achieve each effect. Full materials list is included.

Creating Realistic Skin Tones with CarbOthello Pastel Pencils
Volume 1

This visual guide demonstrates Cuong's easy-to-follow green foundation technique, showing you exactly what colors to layer to achieve beautiful skin tones on three different models with varying complexions.

Creating Realistic Skin Tones with CarboOthello Pastel Pencils
Volume 2

This second volume provides exercises you can follow yourself to draw and shade various facial features realistically, as well as another full demonstration of a complete portrait.

Creating Realistic Skin Tones with CarbOthello Pastel Pencils
Volume 3

The final volume of this series depicts demonstrations of the technique on four different models showing a greater variety of skin tones and ethnicities. Like the other volumes, it tells you exactly what colors are layered at each stage.

Drawing the Human Face

Improve your drawing skill by following this complete set of beginner, intermediate, and advanced exercises for drawing faces with accurate proportions.

This is a beautiful eBook and an invaluable resource. I urge everyone to purchase a copy of this wonderful tutorial!
— Kay Witt - USA
Thank you so much for sharing and teaching your technique. I was up all night drawing and I am extremely pleased with your e-book. My artwork has dramatically improved overnight!
— Mary Safian - NJ, USA
Cuong, this is absolutely the best!! Have downloaded my paid copy and can’t wait read everything a second time!! Thank you!!
— Sherry Eastridge Long - USA
All images copyright Cuong Nguyen. Do not use without permission.